Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mountain Biking

Mark and I love mountain biking.
I think it is our very favorite thing to do together. We have been going to Fort Custer recently on Sundays (Marks only day off), and it is so great. We actually have nice bikes that we bought back in college. (Funny story - we co-lead this youth group at Lansing United Methodist and we got paid well, and we wanted to do something fun, but at the time we were only dating, so we decided to get awesome mountain bikes so then it would be something we could enjoy together, but if we did not end up together we could each have a bike and go on our merry little way - well obviously we are stuck with each other and our matching bikes :)

So this past Sunday we mountain biked and as I bumbled along behind Mark I was thinking - marriage is a lot like mountain biking. Here is my analogy:

- I do best when following Mark. I have tried to lead us in biking. I get nervous and hop off my bike every other second, and go much slower because of fear. I can trust him to not do anything too crazy, and warn me when danger (like big jumps or logs or critters) are coming up. I just need to stay neatly tucked in following him and trusting his leadership. Just like in marriage.

- Some parts are easy and relaxing. You can just pedal and enjoy the beautiful view and catch your breath for the next challenge. Kind of like life - some seasons are easier than others.

- Some parts are very challenging. Some parts strain your leg muscles and make you nervous and give you bruises, make you bleed, and are hard to catch your breath. Kind of like the season of life I feel like we are in - we are being stretched and it is uncomfortable. We are being forced to trust in God's provision and faithfulness.

- Encouragement always helps. I love so much hearing Mark tell me how great I did on some little obstacle (the only kinds I can do - don't worry Mom), and hear him yell how wonderful and hard core I am. I try and encourage him along the way too, and I feel much closer to him and much more content even in the hard times when I hear encouragement.

- We need to ask each other how we are doing as we go. As well as encouraging him, I need to ask Mark how he is doing with the ride, and he needs to do the same for me. In addition to making me feel loved, it keeps us on the same page. Just like life.

Welp that's about all I thought of while riding on Sunday. Just makes me glad I have such an amazing husband, cool mountain bike, and beautiful pure Michigan places to hang out with my husband.


1 comment:

  1. Hi honey....all I can say is that I wish I'd had your wisdom about marriage when I was 25. Awesome post. Love, Mom
