Monday, October 11, 2010

Update, Finnnaaaaallllllyyyyy

Ugh, I hate the fact that I have gone soooooooo long without updating the blog.  Just knowing the fact that you are reading this and more faithful to the blog than I have is a little wake up call for me.  So consider this my official apology for my unfaithfulness to the blog.

So here is probably the only real update you are waiting for.  Brittany is looking really good so far!  We had her in quarantine for about a week due do her radiation treatment.  This was absolute murder for everyone!  I'm sure it was the worst for Brittany, but she managed really well!  After we got through that, we had another check-up appointment, nothing really ground breaking.  Since then Brittany has been slowly regaining her strength and is now feeling pretty good!  She is experiencing some leg pain right now, and I'm not sure that I can explain what that is due to, but we are told it's normal for someone who had their thyroid removed.  Right now our biggest challenge is getting Brittany caught up in school.  She is almost completely caught up and has seriously been such a trooper through this whole trial!  I cannot not believe the amount of fortitude that she has shown, not to mention her faith, strength, courage, perseverance, and a huge litany of other attributes!  She is truly amazing!

We go in for another check-up in couple of weeks to see if the radiation did it's job.  We are cautiously optimistic about this and can't wait to here more from the doctors!