Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer update from Mark

Wellllllll, I guess it's been a while since I have updated the blog. Why does it seem like I start all my blog posts with "I guess it's been a while?"

It feels like nothing has happened in the last couple months, but at the same time, it feels like a lot has really thankful for time that I spent there. So with the end of chapter in my life, and next one yet to begin, happened. Most notably, my interim position at Gracespring came to an end. I learned a ton, and I'm I am in this limbo period. Orrrrrrrrr, as I like to call it, my free agency period. Some how, free agency always sounds way cooler on Sportscenter than in real life, hahaha!

But seriously, thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers as I seek to gainfully employed, aka, not delivering pizzas. I really appreciate it!

On a different note, Brittany is doing super great on her rotations as PA student! I seriously couldn't be prouder! She finished up her family practice rotation in July and made a great impression with her coworkers there. It was fun to see her thrive in an atmosphere that she enjoyed. However, I will say that it has been reaffirmed that Brittany and I sometimes (ok, often) have different ideas of what is interesting. I'm not exactly sure how many stories about oozy, gooey, needles pokey, infected, un-repeatable things that I stomached, but to see Brittany's face light up as she told me alllllll about these icky, yucky, gross, weird things, made all worth it. (Run on sentence anyone?)

These stories pale in comparison to what I'm hearing now. Ohhhhh the humanity!!! (read: over reaction) Brittany is currently wrapping up her rotation in surgery. She has seen and done things that are beyond description. But let me try. Imagine you are playing the board game "operation" but instead of trying to not touch to metallic edges of the oddly shaped incision as you remove the funny bone, you are desperately/frantically (your choice on the adverb) trying to wrangle intestines back into this persons body that are dancing out of this persons torso like those floppy/dancey/spastic (again, your choice) inflatable wind-people that are commonly found outside of car dealerships. (Seriously, what's with this guy and long sentences?) (And why does he keep asking questions in parentheses?)

Back to the point.

Brittany is doing great. My medical vocabulary is increasing(for instance, I now regularly use words like "palpate", "dermis", and "gross"). We are both excited for what the future holds in our lives(including, possibly/hopefully/fingers-crossed updating the blog more regularly).

Thanks for reading,
