Sunday, November 21, 2010

This weekend consisted of....

amazingness in the form of....

  • Mark coming late Thursday night after working at Pizza Hut and waking me up
  • Friday taking my LAST test (in clinical med orthopedics) from the summer semester and officially being all caught up in school
  • Getting the exact grade I needed in that class for an A (cut it sooo close)
  • Friday afternoon naps with my wonderful husband
  • Driving to a wedding rehearsal drinking great (speedway) hot chocolate and having great conversations about jobs and church and kids and homeschooling and life with Mark
  • A wedding rehearsal and wonderful dinner with amazing spinich and artichoke dip with college friends that we have not seen in a while
  • Sleeping in Saturday morning
  • Going to the wedding of Jill and Nathan (friends from Brody), and Mark doing the message wonderfully (even though I was so nervous for him)
  • Mark pulling two $20 bill from his pocket when he was pulling out his notes from his suit right in the middle of the wedding (he didn't know they were left in his suit...oops)
  • Going to Walmart between the wedding and reception to buy a plunger...(classy huh??)
  • Sitting with Kaveh and Jenny at the wedding reception and catching up with them
  • Apple Crisp
  • Having mature conversations about whose family we are spending the holidays with (literally the hardest part of our marriage)
  • Scrabble
  • CJ Mahaney at University Reformed church in East Lansing
  • Spending time with Kristen and Chris Umphlett, who we have not seen in a very long time!
  • Cancun for lunch (my absolute favorite restaurant - a Mexican one in EL)
  • Lunch with Ashley and Bill, Kristen and Chris
  • Discussing the steam tunnels and Mark's prior life with Ashley and Bill :)
  • Hummus and pita from Woodys
  • Spending 99% of the time in our apartment in our huge bed...we even bring all our meals in here :)
  • Mark here to help me with apartment things like cleaning drains and other manly stuff.
Anyway, it was a wonnnnnnderful weekend and I am so refreshed and loved spending so much quality time with my amazing hubs :) Annnnnnnnd we are going to Florida in 2 days! Yayyy.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November update!

Wow, haven't updated in a while!! Here it goes... (sorry about the sideways picutres they are straight until I post clue how to fix that)
Well school is going well. I just got done with a long stretch of tests and writeups and stress. Walking out of my test today I felt almost giddy (besides the fact that the test was surprisingly difficult). I literally cannot believe I have almost made it through this semester. God is so good, just the fact that I could come back and catch up and still do well with being sick and everything else, I am so grateful, and blessed.

 Anyway, last week was my birthday, which is always kind of a weird time because I hate it. Not just the "oh I am getting older blah blah", its all the emotions that come with it. My dad died the night before my birthday (when we were suppose to be celebrating) and it just seems so sad for me (and the rest of my family). My birthday just feels so associated with my dads death. I remember walking into my parents house coming home from MSU for my birthday dinner past the happy birthday sign and balloons and our pastors standing there and then my mom telling me about my dad. Ugh. What a crappy time. Anyway, I hate my birthday. And I am so not a gifts person. They really just don't do it for me, and I hate giving them. Not my love language.

Sweet sleeping Amy (prob 5-6 weeks)

Mark and I on my birthday. See that nice sweatshirt I am wearing? Mark got it for me for my birthday! I love it :)

These are literally my favorite people in the world.
My friend Ashley came for dinner at Logans that day, which I am soooooooo thankful for. I seriously love her to pieces and she has always been such a wonderful friend. Then Friday we went to Red Lobster for my birthday, I have only been there once before and it was kind of a random birthday pick. But I figured Mark and I could not afford endless shrimp and I was kinda craving them. So my mom and sisters and Mark and I went, and really enjoyed it!

I am babysitting Anna and Amy every Saturday now and I absolutely love it. I will get up super early to get my studying done so that I can do this. It really makes me happy (and gets me a little extra money), Mark has been working Saturday nights so it is perfect. Amy is 6 weeks and literally so precious, and we all know how much I love Anna...My mom and I took them to Alexa's choir concert dedication for the new auditorium this Saturday (not realllllllllll sure what we were thinking), it was a little ambitious, but they were pretty good! It was fun hanging out with my mom and having her help me with them. And the choir concert was amazing.

Mark is still living at my moms house and working at the church and delivering pizzas at Pizza Hut. He's such a good sport. He is really enjoying working with the church and just gave the message a couple weeks ago and did a great job. I love seeing how much he loves working with kids and at the church. It is totally what God designed him for. He helps out around my moms house with the lawn and all the manly jobs like the leaves and gutters and is really just a stud. He is enjoying delivering pizzas. He has always loved maps and finding places so it really is just a treasure hunt for him. And he gets cash tips, which help! I drive home every Friday after school and drive back to Detroit Sunday nights. Which is getting pretty old. The drive back to Detroit is the worst. A few more times and then several weeks of break! Yayyyy.

This Thursday after Mark gets done delivering pizzas he is coming to Detroit and then after school on Friday we are hanging out and then going to a wedding rehearsal (that Mark is speaking at), Saturday a wedding, and Sunday going to East Lansing to University reformed church to hear CJ Mahaney speak and out to lunch at Cancun with Ashley and Bill. I literally cannot wait. Then Tuesday night we are going to Florida. So many fun things to look forward toooo!! Yay!

Love love this picture of Anna and Mark. Wont he be such a great dad?

We pulled over on the side of the road to get this picture with a self timer. What a nice MI fall day.

Annie and Mark. She always says "he funny" and gets all buddy buddy with him and posessive of him.

Oh update...I am CANCER FREEEEEEEEEEEEE. There is one lymph node that is still suspicious and big, but they (UofM) aren't concerned about it. I have to get my levels checked in a couple more weeks. And my iron was low which might have been causing the leg pain, so I am taking iron now for that and my legs are feeling much better!