Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Anniversary?

Yes, that question mark is suppose to be there.

So this past week has been crazy, awful, gross, sad, and everything else. But let me catch you up by starting with the week before this one.

A few days ago I came home and there was this nice (like Hallmark) card sitting on the top of the mess on our desk. It was a fancy card, and I could tell had something in it like a gift card and something else. Sweet I thought, someone messed up our anniversary a little (or a lot) and we just got a little unexpected present. (Mark and I had not discussed this said card due to our crazy schedules - although we are living in the same room he is working nights and I am working days, so we don't chat much). Anyway, I saw this card and for some reason got really excited. Well my excitement was fleeting as I opened it I read that it was from Pizza Hut. And the gift inside? It was a pin. And the gift card? 15% off at Pizza Hut. Ummm...not what I was hoping for. (Before you think I am a huge brat - this is like week 6 of being off my thyroid medicine and in the middle of this terrible diet as I prepared for scans - and being just kinda discouraged in general). I was sad. I actually started crying. While I get as excited as the next person for a card and coupon (probably more excited than the next person).
I was not.
At all.
I was so frustrated with God. Here's what I was thinking "How on earth could we still be here, one year later God?" Mark has been delivering pizzas for a fast food restaurant for a year. I am prepping for cancer scans and still thinking about cancer a year later. We are still living in my bedroom at my mom's house, Mark is still applying/interviewing for jobs A YEAR LATER - uhhh God, this was NOT suppose to be like this."
And then I heard God say...
I just layed in our bed furious. And I cried and pouted. And wished we had so many other peoples' lives.

This is Amy demonstrating my attitude.
(P.S. I stood by and took this and love this picture - worst babysitter ever? Probably.)
(P.S.S. I took her for ice cream after and she recovered nicely)
Luckily, my pout fest did not last too long. I kept thinking about being content. I had recently listened to a sermon about how it is a sin to look at other people with envy (umm, confession - I look at some peoples facebook pages solely because I know they will get me all rev-ed up and make me jealous), and we are commanded to be content.
With Pizza Hut.
With living at home.
With the health situation I am in.
So. I decided (although didn't exactly feel it, I made the choice) to be content with where we are, and being thankful what we have been blessed with (which is sooo much by the way).

P.S. Being content does not mean that Mark is not looking for jobs (constantly), or that we are not getting treatment for cancer. Just to clarify that :).

1 comment:

  1. Love your post, you two! Ice cream does work wonders, and, in the meantime, it is so wonderful for us all to read your refreshingly honest post about your "pout fest" (Amy's picture captures things perfectly, which was very well-earned, by the way. What is truly amazing is how you recovered, shared that with us all, and have genuine appreciation of your blessings. Praise God for both of, Mom
