Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Brad's Wedding

This past week, I had the incredible honor of being the best man in one of my closest friend's wedding.  It was so much fun.  I have known Brad for about six years now, and he is one of the men that has "spurred me along in my faith" the most.  Brad is one of those guys that is always only a phone call away and is quick to encourage, gently correct, teach, and just be an authentic guy.  Right now Brad is doing social work and taking seminary classes online with hopes of pastoring a church in the future.

I got to meet new people and build new friendships.  Getting to know the other groomsmen was a complete joy.  I think what made it the most fun was the fact that we all had very different personalities (outgoing and introvert, slap stick vs. dry humor), life goals (science, ministry, business, and adventure), interests (sports, fashion, authors), and geographies (Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Lansing, New York, and Chicago).  But we had one thing in common, a deep joy in our relationships in Christ.  This kept us up til all hours of the night discussing theology, the church, our roles as Christians within the church, and spilling our trials and triumphs with guys that we have known for about 6 hours. 

Because it would be too boring for me to recount the whole weekend (let's be honest, it's because I'm to lazy), I'm breaking it down into a list of highlights.


- Getting to spend a lot of time around Kevin DeYoung

- Eating ribs with the groomsmen until we were sick

Beautiful, isn't it?
- Enjoying great beer, great conversation, and better fellowship

- Doing what I do best, goof around!

Think I can pull off the cabby look?
- Standing next to Brad as he got married

One word, "Stud!"
- Dancing with my wifey

Ok, I know we aren't dancing, but isn't she pretty? Go Sparty!
- Meeting Ted Kluck (he wrote a book that Brittany and I really liked)

- Seeing old friends

The Dupuis', The Hass', The Imminks, and the Maronicks
- Hanging out with the Maronicks

- Giving the best man speech
Nailed it!
Congrats Brad and Steph!  We love you!

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