Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rainy Wednesday

Im finally blogging again....yay.

Well, my life has been good, I miss Mark a ton, but my good friend Alyson is home from California and so that has been real fun. She is getting married over labor day weekend, and I am in her wedding and she is in mine. Yesterday we went and got her bridesmaid dress from the store in Otsego where I got my dress (yay - I finally got a dress!!). My friend Amy came in from Lansing too, and got her dress. Then (with Lex and Anna t00 of course), we all went to Applebees for lunch. Then after I was done babysitting Anna, Alyson and I went rock climbing at Climb Kalamazoo. It was suuuuper fun, even though we both were wishing we were stronger so could climb longer, our arms just got pooped out. Then we went to dinner at Qdoba, Walmart and went to a movie at M-89. Some shocking news....Plainwell's M-89 Cinema raised its movie prices to $5, from $3.50. It was very sad, although I shouldn't complain about $5, because that is pretty good compared to most places.
I only have one more week working at Origami. This is bittersweet. I am so excited to not drive back and forth as much, have time at home, and babysit Anna full time, but I have worked there for almost 2.5 years, and I will really miss a lot of the people that I work with.

Here is a wedding update...
- I cannot get married at Richland Bible anymore. I am having a heck of a time finding a place, so if anyone has ideas, let me know. We are working on it still, and I am sure something will work out, its just makign a lot more work. Bummer.
- I got my dress! Its amazing, and I bought it right off the rack. It was also %40 off, yayyy. I took a couple pictures, and for some reason they are not showing up on my memory card.
- Almost all my bridesmaids have ordered their dresses.
- I met with my photographer, and she is really great, and I am excited for the pictures.
- Its about 130 days away!!!

Anyway, I dont really have too much else to say, guess this turned into a pretty boring post! Mark is on a staff retreat now, and hopefully will have some news about an apartment soon :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi honey (and Mark too),

    I haven't checked out your blog in a while and I am so glad to see that you two are keeping it will be so glad you did in years to come. And your kids will DEFINITELY enjoy it!! I am glad you had so much fun with Alyson, and I am VERY relieved that all the dresses are ordered! Thanks for working with me on getting stuff done - I do worry and I so appreciate your cooperation!

    I know you miss Mark a ton (and I am sure the feeling is mutual) but remember this - you have less time from now until your wedding than from when he moved to Texas until now!! And it only gets better from here!


    Love you tons,
