Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Pictures that I promised!!!

Ok, so here are the pictures that I promised earlier. The first few are from camp and the rest are from my day trip to Dallas Fort Worth (DFW).

At camp, I spent quite a bit of time hiking and exploring the canyon. There was a great waterfall that you could hike to. Around it there were some great rock formations. On afternoon I was on top of the waterfall and I looked down and saw a water snake. Now, no big deal if you like snakes. I don't. Just like Indiana Jones, hahaha. So the waterfall is about 20 feet tall. So figured my best course of action to share my dislike of snakes with the snake was to through rocks at it. I actually hit it a couple of times, but didn't kill it and it swam off across the pool with me showering it with some more rocks. Thats my waterfall story, you probably had to have been there...

This is a picture of your favorite fearless explorer. You can't see it, but he is on top of a cliff (which he just climbed, a small 15 footer) overlooking the land that he just conquered.

Here are a couple of my fellow explorers. We blazed a trail quite a bit off of the beaten path. We crossed a marsh and fought of some large bushes and found our way to the base of this formation. Great little climb! I looooooved it!

This is my small group that was in my second week of camp. A dozen 7th grade boys! I felt so bad for my co-counseler Lauren. She was a good sport about it though. Every boy was a little bit different, they ranged from athletic to videogamers to outcasts to homesick to didn't want to go back home. It was a fun group. They were crazy!

Just another Canyon shot. Pretty, huh? All week I just wanted to see how far I could make it down the canyon system and survive like Bear Grylls, but I refrained. Maybe someday...

This is Todd Rogers. I went to DFW with him and his dad, Mr. Rogers. hahaha. These next to shots were in the Fort Worth water gardens. Really neat! Imagine a giant bowl of stairs with steps that water flows over. It was really loud too.

This was the quiet reflective part. Really peaceful and a good place to get away from the world. The trees were beautiful, the pool was really shallow. Oh yeah, the walls that you see around it, they all have water flowing down them.

Warning: Historical Content! I will keep it to a minimum. This is in Dallas and its the Grassy Nole(sp?) This is where they thought the gun men were that killed Kennedy.

This was a guy that was selling books about how it was all a government conspiracy and coverup. You could tell that he really didn't have a strong grasp of physics or how people act in a crisis situation(which I am an expert in both...). He was kinda interesting to listen to.

The book depository. Where John Wilkes Booth did his sharpshooting. The sixth floor is the one with the arched windows.

There is the where JFK was shot. X marks the spot.

This whole part of the trip was a little weird. It was just different. It had a wierd feeling being somewhere that history was changed. I saw some people taking pictures on the X, so I figured it was thing to do. I didn't really know how to take a picture at a place where someone was murdered. So this was the best I could muster. I hope it isn't offensive. My pose felt better than just standing there awkwardly.

On to the new Texas stadium, or as they call it, Jerryland. In honor of Jerry Jones the owner of the Cowboys and the mand that built this palace. It cost 1.4 billion dollars! That is a thousand millions! It was cool though. Didn't feel much like a stadium, it felt like a hotel that happened to have a football field in the middle of it. I will just highlight a couple of things. That huge screen, it's 150 feet wide and as crystal clear as any flatscreen you will see. That was my favorite part of the stadium.

This was the Cottonbowl conference room, I just thought it was cool. I also sat in the NFL replay room, where they do all the film replay for when they throw out the red challenge flags. This place was was large!

We also were in the Locker rooms. Those were really neat. They had all of the players names on them. Pretty cool. It was really popular for taking pics at Romo and Witten's cubbies. So I just took a pic at a random. It was really cool. We saw the tunnel that they cool out on to the field and where they do the post game interviews too. Pretty Cool! After this I went to a Rangers game. Nice ball park. The people I was with were pretty proud of it, but it's no Comerica, or PNC (where the pirates play)park either. It was cool, I mean hot, hahaha. I forgot my camera in the car. It was an exciting game. 4 homers and 8 stolen bases! Crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Mark, I am glad that you have opportunities to see different parts of Texas. I don't think I ever pictured canyons in Texas. I thought Texas was just about cowboys, their horses and cows. Thanks for sharing pictures from camp, the boys look like a lot of fun. Keep those pics coming. Love MOM
