Friday, June 5, 2009

One more try

I would like to start out by apologising. I just read my post from last night and I'm realizing how weird it was. Sorry. I will give this another try....

It's 90+ degrees outside with the sun high in the sky. This what it looked like.

I stole that pic from the internet, that's why it has a funny date on it. Anyway, I had been looking forward to biking all week and I finally got the chance to get out and hit the trails. And it was soooooo hot. It was a bad idea to bike in that weather. I think that I started to get heat stroke, so I bailed out of the coarse. I'm not exactly sure what heat stroke is, but I'm assuming I was about to get it. Hahahaha, that sounds really dumb, but I'm leaving it anyway. There were a couple of bright spots out of the whole adventure (besides the sun, of course). In case you were wondering, my biking skills are improving, so that is a bonus. I really like riding my bike. I had a first today on my bike- I ran over a snake! It was really bright and green. I did a little research and I believe that it was a rough green snake. Harmless. I still have my eye out for a rattle snake. I really want to see one, but I really don't want to see one too. I very large turkey cut in front of me too. Kind of a crazy day on my bike.
Back to the rattlesnake- I have learned that people love to cut the rattle of the the snakes. They like to do it so much that they will stop their car on the road in order to get the rattle. I haven't seen any of these rattles either. Now, when I ask people way they do this, they answer that I've gotten multiple times is just to have the rattle. It serves no purpose, it's not worth anything, it's really pointless, but texans love their rattles.
Speaking of Texas and Texans, here is a list of some things that I've learned or simple observations I've made since being here. I like to call this section: Just in case you were wondering.
In my office, the only two things on the walls are maps.
The filing cabinets in my office were made in grand rapids, because they are steelcase. They make me feel at home.
I love bragging about the friendly mitten because people down here are so full of it with texas.
A lot of people hate the redwings down here. I guess they just don't understand good hockey.
Many people down here have two pairs of cowboy boots. Work boots and church boots!
Mesquite trees ruin bike tires.
Mesquite trees make good bar b que!
I still say POP.
Everyone still laughs when I say POP.
I love leading bible studies, it gets me really excited!
I really like my intern Austin, he is a lot of fun and helps me out with a lot of stuff, including cultural differences.
It turns out with a nice set of golf clubs, I'm a really decent player! Plus I can bomb the ball 300+ yards!
Speaking of golf, did you know that a former Masters winner goes to St. Paul?
I really like waving and saying hi to people.
In texas they wave and say hi back!
The grass down here sucks. It isn't as soft as Michigan :( (kinda prickly)
Shiner is the beer of choice down here. Haven't heard of it? It's brewed in texas.
They love football down here, and for some reason they like to bring up the lions....
Great mexican food.
When I say is hot out side, the only thing people say back is, "just wait."
Prime time tv gets here earlier in the evening.
Many of the book on the shelves i my office are older than me, and not in a good way.
Ok, that's all I got for you guys now, I promise my next post will include pictures and some more about my life. I miss everyone of you!


  1. Hi Mark, Sorry to hear about the bike ride. I am glad to hear that you are seeing more wildlife. If you see a rattlesnake I hope that it is roadkill. How about armadillos, have you seen any of those critters? Do you bike on trails or dirt roads or what? Loved your note and hope the sleeping problem gets better.

  2. The two people I work with that are from Texas made fun of me for saying "pop" too! It sounds like you're having fun. Just make sure you bring lots of water when biking...does that help with heat stroke? who really knows... can't wait to see pictures.

  3. Hi Mark!
    I am so glad you posted more on your blog...I love to read about your adventures, big and small, in Texas! I personally hope you don't see a rattlesnake, and if you really want a rattle I'll bet you can buy one in a gift shop. Brittany has made me watch too many of those reality doctor shows with her, and there is one about an ER doc who only treats people with snake bites and it is not pretty. Please drink lots of water... you're pretty much in the tropics down there compared to what you're used to here in Michigan. We need to keep our groom safe and healthy!

    I was in East Lansing today and wondered whether you and Britt ever got those photos in your caps and gowns by Sparty...made me kinda nostalgic, remembering those days.

    Take care, and know that we love you!

