Friday, June 5, 2009


Disclaimer: Not to sure how this one is going to turn out. I've had some problems sleeping this past week, I'm feeling a little sick and the Wings lost again :(

So I can't sleep and I'm watching the matrix on tv. I've been in bed since 10:30 (I was tired then, but it never translated to any kind of sleep, I think I missed the point of being in bed). So I finally decided to do something productive, at least pseudo productive. I will now attempt to give you a small glimpse into the inner workings of my sleep deprived mind.

The most constructive thing I could think of during my sleep deprived state was to think of things that help me sleep. With out any further introduction, here is my top ten list of things that help me sleep:

10: A good back rub.
9: Shopping. I don't know what it is, I just know it's a life leech.
8: When my college roommate Zach was out of town. (Zach was a big talkerrrrrr)
7: Gilmore Girls.
6: Tylenol PM. (wish I had some now)
5: Factory work, same effect as the shopping but with a little more fulfillment.
4: Vacations. Weather laying on the beach or climbing a mountain, I'm exhausted.
3: Not being in a Honda Fit parked at a rest stop in Virginia.
2: Finance class.... if only Dave Ramsey had been teaching....
1: My old sleeping shorts!

Oh, how I miss my old sleeping shorts. They were great two-toned red basketball shorts. Kinda gross, but I rocked those bad boys out for about 6 years!! Ewwww!!! But they were so comfy! Don't worry, I did the math. Assuming I averaged 8 hours of sleep a night over the course of 6 years means that that spent around 2 years of my life wearing those shorts!! Almost as long as I have been dating Brittany. Just a fun little nugget that I thought y'all would enjoy.

Sweet Dreams!

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