Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Busy little Bee...

I'm trying to remember where I put November because I seem to have misplaced it.... I honestly couldn't tell you what happened to the month except that it's not here anymore. November was intensely busy for myself and the church. (On a side note: November down here stinks! Everything seems to be either green or brown with a couple flashes of dull color here and there, nothing like Michigan!)

During the month we conceptualized, visualized, theorized, planned, through together, presented, and gathered a stewardship campaign. In an effort to organize a lay driven church we tried to present allllllllll the different areas that can be served in, in our church. It was nothing short of a miracle that it actually made it to the congregation looking respectable. I'm sure that next year we will have plenty of alterations to make and amend.

Part of my mission here is to reform the youth program and I believe one of my biggest roles in doing so is to change the overall culture of the students. One of the focuses was to put them in situations of self-discovery and discussion with peers under the guidance of adult leadership, aka making a small group emphasis in the program. My other large focuses in this reformation is making the ministry driven by the youth. In the effort to help the students trade in their bibs for aprons, I have established certain areas for the students to volunteer their time and talents to the group. My whole goal in doing this is to help facilitate a change in attitude of just showing to up, to students taking ownership of the group. So this is pretty much a work in progress, but like George Gillespie said, "Reformation ends not in contemplation, but in action."

I wrapped up my November with a trip to Jacksonville, Florida. Brittany and her family and extended family were celebrating Thanksgiving down there, so I decided to tag along. I have to admit that I was a little bit slow out of the gates here in Abilene. In the po-dunk little airport here I was faced with a 3 hour delay due to for in Dallas. But, just like any good delay, it only started out as a half hour delay but gradually grew and as my patience gradually shrunk... Fortunately, I had a book, so I got to know John Knox, the famous reformation leader of Scotland. My thing lately is that whenever I go on vacation, I read a biography. This was the biography of the trip. Which I'm sure you are all reading this blog to find out what I'm reading on my vacations... Anyway, long story short, I caught to the last flight to Jacksonville that day and everything turned out fine. Before we travel any further, I do have to admit it was weird not spending the holiday with my family, (it was the first I have missed), but as life changes, we have to be prepared to change too. As Brittany and I move into this next stage of our lives, I'm sure that we both are going to have a lot to learn about being flexible. Speaking of being flexible, thank you, my readers, for being flexible as I chase tangents around....

Back to the estrogen-fest that was vacation with the Sheets, hahaha! (I'm going to hear about that one later) But seriously, I was great hanging out with them all. I have to admit, I am not fully trained yet to a capacity where I can endure a routine diet of Edward Cullen, "say yes to the dress", "america's next top model" and whatever show features dancers bouncing around aimlessly in clothes that wouldn't fit a 5 year old. Maybe I will get there... Or maybe I should start praying that somewhere down the road, when Brittany decide to have kids, that we will only have boys.... I truly did have a wonderful time hanging out with all of the Sheets girls. We had good times playing on the beach, playing with kids, eating meringue cookies, telling great jokes, and giggling uncontrollably.

Well, that's all I got in me for now. I have three weeks here in Abilene, then I'm flying back north! I will see you soon and try to write again before I'm married! Love you all!


  1. Mark, It sounds as though you have been busy. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Love MOM

  2. I just love this. Hooray! I get to read about your guys' lives!!

  3. Mark, I have been negligent with reading your blog but I must admit that I laughed out loud as you described the "estrogen feast" with us in Florida in November.....I know Jared got a chuckle out of that one too. We definitely appreciated your testosterone, but must admit, you really did get drowned out. What a great sport you were! Love, Joan
