I am having a really hard time with the “fundraising for
adoption” concept. It’s a tough one friends. It’s kind of like how I felt
making our profile book (a book about our family that will be given to birth
moms choosing a family for their baby – felt like I was “selling” our family),
or doing a home study (where you are asked a million questions and have to show
your bank account and messy basement to a social worker you don’t even know).
It just doesn’t seem right, it is so unnatural. It seems so unfair and dumb
really. Like we have to ask our friends
and family to donate money so we can get a baby? And why is this so expensive
anyway? It also feels like just a gut
punch reminder that we can’t just have a baby biologically – that we have to do
all this silly stuff.
But here’s what God keeps reminding me:
“It’s not about you”.
This adoption was
never about me, or us getting a baby. It has always been about God.
The story in 2 chronicles 20 has always been one of my
favorites. I love it. I love how Jehoshaphat has a huge battle in front of him,
he looks to God (probably pretty scared) and remembers all the times God has
kept the covenant for His people, and so trusts him for this future battle. God
says “Do not be afraid and do not be afraid or discouraged, for the battle is
not yours but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:21).
Friends, we are up against some vast armies. Cancer. Death.
Anxiety. Abortion. Teething. Addiction.
Sleepless nights. Lust. Three year old attitudes. This world is fallen, and to try and follow God daily
is hard.
God is writing a story for our lives and for each of our
children. The story is his, not mine. I get to play a part of it, but it is not
for my glory. He is weaving so many people and stories together to show His
glory. We know that if we follow him that He will provide victory in the battle.
I cannot wait to tell each of our children awesome stories of how God made a
way for them. How he provided meals during
our most stressed seasons, encouragement from friends and family too keep
going, doctors – who have saved Gideon’s and my life, peace that surpasses
understanding, and we are trusting that for the adoption he will provide
financially. We will tell this next little baby how his birth momma courageously chose life for them, and that God used so many people to
bring them home. We will teach them that sometimes life is made of hard, scary,
and some seemingly stupid battles, but that it’s not about them. It’s about God
getting the glory and God keeping his covenant.
And sweet little one, we should
be so glad that it is not about us, but about God fighting and winning His
battles because that’s what he always will do.
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