This was our awesome super bowl party!! My mom made us little appetizers and we drank wine and had a good old time! Please excuse my pose. I have no idea.... |
Lex, as usual, was too cool for the team |
We spent a weekend (Friday night through very late Sunday) babysitting the Engelmann boys. Mark took them sledding to wear them out for me (what a guy right?) Here is Mark and Thomas in their matching Carherts! ....On a side note babysitting an extremly energetic ten year old boy and a teenaged boy all weekend (while Mark worked, and I tried to study) turns out to be a lot more exausting than we thought it would be. But we survived, it was fun, and it might have cured my baby fever for a while :) |
Mark and I got to go on a lovely date the other night, and the moon was full and perfect, so we thought we would go out and try and take some pictures. Turns out we havent mastered the art of moon pictures, the moon looks dissapointing in this pic, but it was beautiful! (I have my backpack on because I was carrying it in from the car - I dont wear it all the time, dont worry) |
My beautiful sister Jenna and I! She has moved home for the semester, and it is so much fun. We have been getting along so well, and I love just bopping around with her all weekend. P.S. Somtime Mark will have to share his story about moving Jenna into her new apartment (which was awful and they moved her right back out of). |
Mark drove to Detroit today, and is staying for tomorrow. There was another big snowstorm and school was cancelled today! Mark braved the weather and got here this afternoon and it has been absolutly wonderful, its so great just having him at our apartment! He has hardly made it to Detroit this winter because of all the work he is doing and just my sucky crazy school schedule. School is absolutly nuts, and I will do a post about that later...but I am really trying to remember how hard I worked to get into school, how much of a blessing it is to be in school, and to be thankful.
Mark also has been taking lots of pictures he promised to share them soon!!
P.S. Spell check is not working so bear with my terrible spelling please!
Oh, honey....I am so, so proud of your incredibly positive attitude. Your spirit and outlook is such a wonderful fortress. I am blessed to be your mom (and you DO wear your backpack quite a bit, actually :-)!)