- Mark coming late Thursday night after working at Pizza Hut and waking me up
- Friday taking my LAST test (in clinical med orthopedics) from the summer semester and officially being all caught up in school
- Getting the exact grade I needed in that class for an A (cut it sooo close)
- Friday afternoon naps with my wonderful husband
- Driving to a wedding rehearsal drinking great (speedway) hot chocolate and having great conversations about jobs and church and kids and homeschooling and life with Mark
- A wedding rehearsal and wonderful dinner with amazing spinich and artichoke dip with college friends that we have not seen in a while
- Sleeping in Saturday morning
- Going to the wedding of Jill and Nathan (friends from Brody), and Mark doing the message wonderfully (even though I was so nervous for him)
- Mark pulling two $20 bill from his pocket when he was pulling out his notes from his suit right in the middle of the wedding (he didn't know they were left in his suit...oops)
- Going to Walmart between the wedding and reception to buy a plunger...(classy huh??)
- Sitting with Kaveh and Jenny at the wedding reception and catching up with them
- Apple Crisp
- Having mature conversations about whose family we are spending the holidays with (literally the hardest part of our marriage)
- Scrabble
- CJ Mahaney at University Reformed church in East Lansing
- Spending time with Kristen and Chris Umphlett, who we have not seen in a very long time!
- Cancun for lunch (my absolute favorite restaurant - a Mexican one in EL)
- Lunch with Ashley and Bill, Kristen and Chris
- Discussing the steam tunnels and Mark's prior life with Ashley and Bill :)
- Hummus and pita from Woodys
- Spending 99% of the time in our apartment in our huge bed...we even bring all our meals in here :)
- Mark here to help me with apartment things like cleaning drains and other manly stuff.
I love how you focus on your blessings, cookie. You have always appreciated the small things in life.....and what a blessing THAT is!!! I so appreciate you, Britt.
Mom Sheets