We thought we would just use some pictures to update you on our lives...Enjoy!
Today we went to the worlds largest "Rattlesnake Roundup" (I just wonder how many there really are to compete with), anyway, it was about an hour away (Sweetwater, TX) and we thought it would be a very Texas experience. And, let me tell you, it was. There were like thousands of snakes, and they catch them all around here (yiiiikes). They just had these big bins (like in the picture below) with about a 3 foot high wall up around them. I was wondering while the walls were so low, and thought it was a bit scary. You could hear all of their little rattlers rattling. There were tons of confederate flags, people in hideous clothes, free samples of chewing tobacco (seriously), milking and skinning stations, and lots of other fun stuff. We packed our lunch and just sitting there watching people was probably the best part.
You could buy fried rattlesnake there, and so of course Mark had to get some, and of course he liked it!! I tasted a tinnnnny little bit, and mostly sat there and watched him devour it.
Anyway, it was a great experience, we had fun, and it is something I am sure (or will make sure) we never do again :) We got Mark a tee shirt, and we got a cross for our cross collection (that now has two crosses in it). Yayyyy.
Here is a picture of our bed - this is the most made it has ever been. Mark did it for the picture. We are not bed makers, and we are totally okay with that - we save a lot of time :) Anyway, we just got a down comforter to go in our duvet cover! I have been keeping my eye on them, and found a great sale at Macy's. There is no Macy's around here, so I ordered it online! It was $381 originally, and then it was on-sale down to $120, then we used some gift cards and it cost us $30. I was so happy- I love good deals! And it's amazing! I love it so much, it is so cozy, and will come in very handy in Michigan!!
This little activity was Mark's idea. When Jenna was here we decided to have craft time, and colored these eggs. Mark hollowed them out, and we colored them with permanent markers. It was actually really fun, and now they are hanging in our kitchen hole (between the living room and kitchen) and are getting us in the spirit of Easter :) Jenna's is on top, then Marks, and mine is the bottom.
Mark is sitting here working on his resume (now that he has finally satisfied with his super mario game boy playing for the night), and we are working on applying for jobs for him in Detroit. I registered for my classes at Wayne, eeek, we have 6 classes this summer, starting everyday at 8am!
We love comments so please leave us comments :)
Good lord, you two!!! A Rattlesnake Hoopla! The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up just thinking about it! It was great to read about all the sights you saw...I felt as if I was there enjoying the experience right along with you (although I would have been watching the people, not the snakes)!
ReplyDeleteYes, a younger Brittany would have absolutely loved a snakefest...in fact, lest you forget, we had a SNAKE BIRTHDAY PARTY for you once (and the snake-of-honor threw up the half-digested rat it had recently consumed...you were thrilled!!) All the little girls sat with me on the far side of the room (most wanting me to call their mothers to come pick them up) and all the little boys (of which there were more of - there always were) talked about your birthday parties being the greatest ever for years!! You two are creating some awesome memories!!!
I loved the photos of the eggs!! You guys really did a good job. If you ever decide to part with them, they would make a perfect birthday gift for your ever-39 mom. Ha! Much better than buying something.
I am so glad that you are tracking these times of your life with this awesome blog...it is an incredible legacy.
Love,kisses, and many hugs,
Mom Sheets
P.S. I love the made-bed too!! I really do love that bedspread and even more, I love how YOU love a good bargain, cookie! Love, Mama
ReplyDeleteMark and Brittany, Wow what a trip. Who would have thought that you would hunt out a rattlesnake roundup. Who would have thought that there was such a thing. I guess someone has to round up those critters. Did the meat taste like chicken? That's what I have heard. I am glad that you are taking time to see a little bit of Texas. The next couple of years will be pretty busy and it will be great to have some funny memories to laugh about. I abolutely love the eggs. You should coat them with somesort of sealer (I suggest a spray so that the colors don't run) and save them for an annual Easter tree. Brittay if you have not heard of an Easter tree ask Mark. We started that tradition when he was very young. I love the bed cover with the wall hanging in the background. You seem to have a flare for decorating Brittany. Isn't it more fun when you can get a deal. I also love the idea that you are starting a cross collection, what a great idea. Well, I have rambled on long enough. Keep the blogs coming. I love to hear and see what is going on in Texas.