A couple pf weekends ago Ashley, Amy and I drove down to Champaign, IL to go to my friend (and old roomate) Kristen's wedding. It was beautiful, and lots of fun. Amy played piano and I played violin, for about 8 songs. It was a littttle stressful, but it turned out really well. We stayed in an hotel room (or "a" hotel room?) and it was a blast. We felt so grown up. Ashley actaully said "we have no adults" or something along those lines, and yes we actaully all have been graduated college for at least a year. It made me soooooooooo excited for our wedding. 6 months from yesterday!!!!
Here is a picture of us at the wedding. I am wearing Jenna's dress, and loved it.
I get to see Mark!!!!!!!!!! In 24 days!! I am soooo excited. God is so good, and the family that Mark is staying with, used their air miles or whatever they are called and bought my ticket! I am working til 9pm in Lansing on Sunday and leave out of Grand Rapids at 5:50am. I will arrive in Abilene at 10 something AM, and get to stay until Friday morning (then have to work that night). I think this will be awesome for me, just to see what its like down there, where he works, what the city is like, where he lives, and just all the details of where I will be living soon. AND to see Mark of course. I am sooo excited to just give him a huge hug.
Oh!!! Another exciting event was our we had our first premarigae counseling session (well our first real session). But, you are probably wondering "But Mark is in Texas and Brittany is in Michigan??" Well, because flying back and forth is a little pricy and not too practical (and Mark only likes practical things :) ), we do it via video chat on Macs. We sit and stare at Mark on a computer screen. It actaully is pretty amazing. The youth pastor from my church (Michael) is marrying us, and him and his wife (Mandy) are so great, and they are doing it with us. I was a little nervous that it was going to be awkward, but it really wasnt, not ideal, but it works! Praise God for technology that allows us to do it like this! 
I still babysit Anna, and Lex does it the other 2 days. It's honestly like my favorite thing ever. She is such a nugget. So here is a picture of her for good measure.
And here is my beautiful ring. Which I spend half the day staring at.
This past week was my dad's birthday, and a couple weeks ago was Fathers day, which were both hard. I just reallllly miss my dad, and with wedding stuff, it is kind of bittersweet. I so wish he could be here. We (my mom, sisters, and I) went to the cemetary on Thursday and released balloons that we had written notes on. So, here is a fun picture of me and my dad. And yes, I rocked messy hair when I was three, and pretty much every day since. :)
Hi Honey,
ReplyDeleteI cried as I read your post...happy tears, sad tears, nostalgic tears. I got a kick out of you 3 girls feeling like such grown-ups in your hotel room. And you're right - June has been a rough month, as it has always been such a "dad" month...it's also hard this weekend as he so enjoyed the 4th of July holiday. I miss him too, cookie. I remember taking the picture you posted of you two after your bath and thinking at the time what a lucky woman I was to have you two.
Loved the rest of your pix too! The one of you and Anna is adorable, and of course your ring is truly beautiful. Mark, you surely nailed it with that choice! So glad the two of you can have some time together soon.
Love the blog!
I'm so glad you are done with your class! It has been such a joy having you room with me this past year!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you and your mom and sisters had a chance to celebrate your father together. He would be so proud of all of you! I can't imagine the joy and love you all brought into his life.
The wedding was SO fun we are all grown up huh?!? Wierd! I can't wait for your wedding...let me know if you need any help (addressing envelopes?) :)
LOVE YOU!! (oh and nice job catching Link (the cat) tonight...HAHA)
Hi Brittany, It was great to read your blog. I was a little teary eyed as I read I must admit. I thought of you and your family a lot this past month. I am glad that your class is over and I am sure that you did great. Hopefully we can get together soon. I am glad that you get the opportunity to see Mark and where he lives soon. It will help you picture things better when the two of you talk. Love Tina