Mark got a job!!!!!!!!
Awesome things about the job:
- Full time
- Benefits like 401k
- In Kalamazoo
- Its in a packaging company (Graphic Packaging) - which is what Mark's degree is in
- I will get to see Mark some nights
- Free slushies in the break room
- Free steel toe boots
- Free work glasses
- Cool big machines and
cardboard corrugated paper board rolls (I have heard quite a bit about these so I put them under the awesome column)
- No more Pizza Hut (and spending a small fortune each month on gas)
Not so awesome things about the job:
- Every 28 days it goes from 1st to 3rd shift. Might be a little tricky.
- Its in a factory and Mark will be working on the floor. He worked in a factory through college and always talked about how glad he would be to have a degree and never have to do that again. So it was a humbling position to take.
- He will have to work some Sundays
- Mark will be on his feet for 12 hours at a time doing monotonous work, which is painfully boring
All this said, we are really thankful for a job. Mark is going to keep looking and we are going to keep praying for what our role in youth ministry should be.
Mark has been training full time the past week and half, as well as delivering pizzas at night. He has been working like a mad man. The past week and a half I have only spent awake time with Mark once. Its been craziness! I am so proud of how hard he is working for us and to pay our bills and provide for us. Its amazing how he has pretty much paid every cent he has made in the past two years to Wayne State for me to go to school or to various health institutions to get me healthy. What. a. stud. Oh yeah, and while I am bragging about Mark. Even though its easy to say pish a factory job would be easy to get, over 1,000 people applied for this job, and they had 300 people take a test, and 30 interviews (or something like that) and Mark was in the top 4. So, yeah, he is awesome.
Mark is going to be done at Pizza Hut in another week. He is not sure when he starts his 12 hour shifts, but should be in about 10 days. My sisters are also coming home for Christmas break next week, and so I am prettttty pumped for that!
Yay for Christmas and goofing around! |
Blogs I'm working on:
- ER rotation in Hastings MI
- Our last Wayne State bill
- Thanksgiving 2011
- Our new church
(hopefully that will make me do them!)