I thought that I would update with what is going on with me in Michigan! I am still working at Origami Brain Injury Rehab, as a reabilitation aide, which I loveeeee. I work Friday - Monday, and then come home Monday night. Tuesday and Thursday I babysit Anna Pierce, which is amazing, and I absolutly love. She is 6 months and the cutest nugget ever. Here we are...
And here we are with her sister, Shengnan, who I give violin lessons to once a week....
I am also taking Eukaryotic Cell Biology at MSU, which is awful. It's only 6 weeks and therefore very fast paced, but I am actaully doing well keeping up so far. Its Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and so Wednesday I have to drive up to East Lansing for the 2 hour class. Don't worry, I always have a good book on cd so I love my drives.
And wedding planning....sheeeeeeesh there is a lot to do! My mom is being very helpful, and so is Mark's family, and so I'm sure everything will come together. It is just a lot of decisions! And of course my sisters have loved helping out...well mostly just giving their opinions :) Anyway here is a pic of Mark and I before he left! I really like it!
